Zombies in LOVE(:


[#o1] Hello(:
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[#o3] Tag before you leave.
[#o4] If you're unhappy, just click that little red box with a cross at the top right hand corner of your screen.
[#o5] FYI, Percussion isn’t all about drumset.

!The Drop Dead Gorgeous Four

LanLan the sick
turning 15 this Oct 9
Currently playing: Glockenspiel XD

AnnAnn the bimbo
turning 15 this Dec 6
Currently playing: Timpani(:

SyaSya the suicidal
Already 15(:
Currently playing: Snare Drum:D

ZhenZhen the skinny
Turning 15 this Nov 12
Currently playing: Vibraphone :P


Good Grades
More sleep
Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough
More time

ANNANN wants:
own room
walk in wardrobe
more $$
timpani lessons
tango lessons
to be ZAI(:
White chip macademia nut cookie from Subway
Kinder Bueno
Frosted chocolate malt from Swensens

LANLAN wants:
own room
A bigger size Stitch
A bigger size Dale
cute softtoys
Manga Drawing lessons
learn how to converse in japanese

Tango lessons
salsa lessons
No ____
Famous Amos Cookies
Sweetlips Empress Delight from Fish and Co

SYASYA wants:
more $$
A huge lion stuff toy
Ability to speak French fluently
that purple Victoria's Secret perfume
Strawberry Chessecake from Ben & Jerry's
Honey Malt Crunch from Gelare

Ill Be There For You - The Rembrandts
!Talk To Us

Free chat widget @ ShoutMix



May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
March 2009
April 2009


Designer: Joan Tong
Image: Betelgeux
Layout: Blogskins
Cursor: SupporMySpace

Monday, June 30, 2008


found a video on merry widow :D
i know this is super random!
but the bell player is sooo pro la
and i noticed sth
there's only 5 percussionists D:
and only the timpani player is stationary (stationery?)
http://youtube.com/watch?v=V6K4791kcBw (part1 [figure 1-10])
http://youtube.com/watch?v=qim_cvoOjoE&feature=related (part 2 [ figure11 (: -endin])
but at the back abit weird...
it did not really end.
under the double headed eagle

you know sth?
the whole band played with feelings!!!
they moved!!!!!!
okay sway.. wdv
i really wanna be like the percussionists
jus take a look at them when it is zoomed in at them (:
din notice for hot guys this time

"To acquire knowledge, one most study but to acquire wisdom onemost observe." -- Marilyn Vos Savant


I broke my sticks at:
10:16 PM

Sunday, June 29, 2008



hello dearies.
im suppose to be doing math.
i added a song.
listen to the chorus and you'll understand.
i thought it was quite funny. (:

bb & mht!
i think y'all been feeling down lately.
can always come to me! (:
why you two always like that.
when smth's up dont tell ppl.
i know it's cuz u dont want us to worry
we can tell when smth's wrong
but we also know you wont tell us
so why not say?
what are we here for if not to be there for you.
we'll pull through whatever it may be.
that'll never change.

express youself day is just shit. -.-
icky sticky is starting to irritate me.
maybe im just biased. hmmm...
maybe when someone comes back, she'll divert her attention.
things are gna get interesting on mon.
ohman. im evil.

zhen cut her hair!
she's freaking out.
lan loves me loads man.
i see my name many many times. (:
twelve days and still happy.
cheer up sweetheart. things will get worse. (:
someone commented lan is zai.
she's like as zai as me. -.-
which is not very zai.
EHH. someone is still suppose to teach me.

never lie to me. EVER.
i dont like ppl lying to me.
esp not the ppl i trust.
no exceptions.
i still love my best friend!
never do that again.

7 days. 168hr. 10080min. 604800s. 60480000ms.
how can you leave me for so long!

ciao darlings.


I broke my sticks at:
9:29 PM


Happy Belated Birthday Fazilah!!!

Happy Birthday Kat!

come on angeline
jus face it la
i am ZAI can?
very very ZAI
so Zai that Junying wanna learn from me (:
but percussionists are naturally zai one.
hahahahhahas (:

AHHH i've forgotten that there's a 30th in June
and it's on a monday

yea angeline, i love the song
especially the chorus

11moredays to NBC
comeon! it's time to freak out!!!!
Angeline, i know you are still calm for now

Express yourself day
What does class spirit has to do with this?
I wonder if cookie monster is a gay
if not we will definitely not qualify for the theme "girl power"
can i just miss school and go to the airport on fri??
since jessica is comin back
i bet sherilyn thinks that it's a gd idea too!
ahh. i don't think my mum will allow :(

kay la.
sit in front of the com for too long le
shall go prac maths!
"Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we cannever do anything wise in this world."
-- Helen Keller

I broke my sticks at:
4:07 PM

Thursday, June 26, 2008

WEEK1 is ending

physics test is tmr
and i have no more intention to revise.
no la
but it's alr 10plus D:
and still got my chi summary
ihatechi :P
speaking of which, i am havin my olvl oral soon
on next thurs, the same day as my amaths CT
ahh ):

band did not seem to improve today leh
sounded messy.
it's only.. 15more days to NBC
but i am lookin forward to NBC
aren't we all waiting for that day to come??

me and sya had the same thoughts
we felt the same way (somewhat)
and yet we are at lost at what we should do
kinda pathetic eh?
i wonder how it is like for the others
but we are in a different environment, aren't we?
time shall settle everything for us
i'm bleeding again :/

okay lah. shall go and study somemore
wish me all the best for physics tmr
thanks to the "it's super difficult" comments
i have ABSOLUTELY no confident in this paper
i am worry about passin
let alone get an A D:

"When I hear somebody say, Life is hard, I am always tempted toask, Compared to what?"
-- Sydney J. Harris

as you can see, i've found sth for sel tmr :D

<3 Lanxin

I broke my sticks at:
10:33 PM


im damn irritated now.
like shit irritated.
zhen too.
shitty things happened. they're so wtf?! rahh.
-throws shoes at two people.

15 more days. no. i dont feel it. -.-

sya: you're good. believe and have faith. we all do. wait. no. we KNOW. (:
beat: thanks dear for listening while i screamed and everything else u did aft that. love you! (:
sharon: sorry! didnt go in the end. i dont know why but i realised today that i miss you. a lot. ):
caroline: get well soon! everything feels quieter without you!

how can i be close to someone if i didnt even know we were.
what makes you think we're close.
why does everyone think we're close.
i get that our path crosses a lot. but still.
then thinking again. if our path does cross as much as it does.
the fact tt we're not is quite sad.
so other than this,
what other things am i suppose to know but actually dont.

okay. need to go study.
ppl told me the test is shit hard.
need to mug.

shit. im freaking tired.
wna sleep.


I broke my sticks at:
7:11 PM

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


i dont rmb mr ito being so funny.
he was downright hilarious.
he made me enjoy band.

photoshoot was fun.
though i look like some high-maintenance bitch.
i loved my hair. damn gorgeous.
make up was good. very smoky eyes(:
the pictures were pretty.

well, sch started.
mr tan changed seats. ):
its not fair. i cant even talk to her in class.
she's like at one corner of the classroom and im like at the other.
oh yah.



im still in denial.
shut it. -.-
her present is like still at home. (:

sya's drum major.
lan's qm of uniform.
jemima's junior qm of uniform.
-evil grin.
im not such a saint. try and make a link.
percussion's pro. (:
i totally embarassed myself in front of the band.
-shakes head and blushes.

icky sticky is a funny name.
-laughs at someone.
i need to look zai. like NOW.
i've resorted to wearing contacts to keep me awake.
i ate a lot today. like chicken rice and mee goreng and potato chips. ):
florence is sick. ):
we all miss arina and tracy.
im so thankful i have michelle and rachel. (:
i seriously need sleep.
i think im over you. (:


actions speak louder than words.
so shut up and work.
- by a cedarian named angeline(:
i did what mr tan wanted(:


I broke my sticks at:
9:40 PM


Mr ito is sooo funni

He has jus reminded me of one of the songs i sang in choir last time
it has this line
"music is a universal language,
each and everyone understands"
yea true
the moment he started playing his trumpet
we jus got it :D
someone has to start takin jap..

18more days

"Happiness is not based on position, power, or prestige but onthe relationship with other people that you love and respect." -- Author Unknown


I broke my sticks at:
8:53 PM

Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm gna miss them):

i don't know what to type here
Arina.. we are gonna miss you alot alot alot
made me 'water' all over again
Congrats to
Sheriel on being the SL
Angie the ASL
Jemima the junior band QM of Uni
SYA! the DM! :D
I'm so proud of you (:
And percussion shall work hard hard for the upcoming NBC
let's work hard with the band :D

mixed feelings
i really can't express it out
oh well
seeya tmr for band prac (:
Mr ito(is this how you spell it? :/) is comin!

"If you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. Then never, never, never give up."
-- Norman Vincent Peale, Author and Speaker

i like this quote


I broke my sticks at:
7:47 PM

Saturday, June 21, 2008


school is startin soon
i hate this D:

studyin in the library is fun la
even tho..
nvm :P
sorry for not goin to the class outin ahh
my dearest sweetest honey
sorry luhhhhhh
let me leave until week 3 kay?
at least i can die in peace
anyway, i will alr be dead by then D:
shall go for now

"Try not to become a person of success, but rather to become aperson of value." -- Albert Einstein


I broke my sticks at:
10:09 PM

Friday, June 20, 2008


im here cuz im waiting for my hair to dry.(:

had class outing today.
it was like class comm and random people outing. -.-
caroline and sarah disappeared halfway and went to sleep in vivo.
florence is just florence. i think tt explains a lot.
oh. we bumped into a bunch of bengs.
i left florence to die. hah.
i like talking to amanda. A LOT. (:
i cant get over kathleen's shirt.
its a very feminine shirt, yet she still manages to look so man in the shirt.
rachel is just cute lah. she just sit there and laugh at everything and be evil like she always is(:
she told florence she wldnt save her if she drowned.
i laughed. (:
i mean wth is the lifeguard for then right.
simin came at 4 and left at 5.30. -.-
tehlanxin didnt come. stupid freak.
she dui bu qui wo lor.
i wna see how she's gna make it up to me.
-evil grin.

they dont feel so strong anymore.
maybe im used to it.
maybe i've accepted it.
or maybe there's nth to obsess abt nowadays.
either way, i hope it means im getting better.
and tt what used to be isnt anymore.

cihui and chinghong came back to visit us a few days back(:
its nice to see them. somehow reassuring.
they bring back memories of happier times.
when everything was not so complicated.
you never realise their importance until they leave.
and when they do you realise you miss them.

i know who's bm and dm. HAH. (:
im not telling you anything. (:
im happy for them. yet im worried.
things are just gna get harder.
better go stock up on chocolates.
we're all gna need them.

lan's going on abt how many days to nbc
22 more days.
she's freaking.
i dont feel the stress.
i dont want to.

im irritated with the bunch of you.
we're already making an effort.
you cant expect us to be like what we were.
we didnt HATE it then.
and you can expect us to love it now.
you'd think i'd be guilty and do smth.
well, you're in for a surprise.
i dont give a shit abt you.
so dont expect anything.

my neck has been hurting like crazy.
i need to get a message.
it really hurts.
sue-ann gave me some back massager thing last time.
ohmygosh. it works. ITS DAMN GOOD.
thank you darling! (:
but i still need a massage.
i think i sprained my ankle too. ):

im a good girl.
im not vain.
and i WILL get what i want.

Michigan: It is illegal for a woman to cut her hair without her husband's consent.


I broke my sticks at:
11:39 PM

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Top Ten Things

As life goes on I’m starting to learn more and more about responsibility
I realize everything I do is affecting the people around me
So I want to take this time out to apologize for things I have done
And things that have not occurred yet
And the things they don’t want to take responsibility for -Akon

Starting from 10..

10. NBC is in 26days time, my piano exam is in 22days time and Physics test is in 6 days time
9. Week 3 is gonna be the week whr we all gonna die.. okay me. i never absorbs anything in class
8. School's Startin on mon. which is soon.. haiss..

7. i left chi hw but i don't have any motivation to do. bleah..

6. I miss the seniors. From 2006 all the way to 2008 ):

5. i'm changing and i ain't liking it

4. Do i give people the impression that i never practice??? maybe i did not practice hard enough.

3. I'm not lookin forward to school

2. Yet i'm looking forward to mon... :P

1. I don't wanna give a friggin damn about that kinda thing anymore. (:

Let's Jiayou for NBC :D
26more days!

"Begin doing what you want to do now. We have only this moment,sparkling like a star in our hand -- and melting like a snowflake." -- Marie Beyon Ray


I broke my sticks at:
10:19 PM

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Numb - linkin park

I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless lost under the surface
Don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

Can't you see that you're smothering me
Holding too tightly afraid to lose control
Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
And every second I waste is more than I can take

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

And I know
I may end up failing too
But I know
You were just like me with someone disappointed in you

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I'm tired of being what you want me to be
I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I'm tired of being what you want me to be

this is exactly how i feel right now

"Life is a great and wondrous mystery, and the only thing we know that we have for sure is what is right here and right now.Don't miss it." -- Leo Buscaglia

i missed it.


I broke my sticks at:
10:21 PM


On to the second quiz. Don't you love me enough?
Oh btw Lan Xin, help me update my profile at the side! I think I can't do it myself because I'm not the main account. I want: more $$, a huge lion soft toy, a drumset, a piano, strawberry cheesecake from Ben and Jerry's, that purple Victoria's Secret perfume (it smells awesome!) and be able to speak French fluently. And can you add lazybum, thinker (as in, I like to analyze stuff like conversations a lot.) and percussionist to my profile please? Thanks dear! :D

Seven things that scare me.

1. Rejection.
2. Losing my loved ones (that includes my cats).
3. Cockroaches. Like, ewww!
4. The sound of the kettle whistling. Do you notice how the kettle always whistles right before a character gets brutally murdered? This always happens! Always!
5. Getting backstabbed.
6. Disappointing the people I love.
7. Bad results.

Seven things I like the most.

1. Friends and family and my cats.
2. Music.
3. Books. And the smell of new books!
4. Feeling happy and contented and not having to care about anything at all.
5. Making people laugh or feel happy.
6. Being loved! :D
7. This is going to sound so horrible, but.. money! Because though it may not solve all your problems, it sure does solve a whole lot of them.

Seven important things in my room. (I don't have my own room!)

1. My books.
2. Bed and pillows.
3. The more meaningful letters and gifts from friends and family.
4. If my computer were in the room, it'd be on this list.
5. My drumsticks.
6. All my pictures.
7. Sadly, my schoolbooks are on this list. ):

Seven random facts about me.

1. I think too much. I analyse things like conversations in my head.
2. I drum my fingers on just about any surface.
3. I'm too sensitive.
4. I don't like to hurt other people's feelings.
5. I love to daydream and fantasize about things that can't ever happen.
6. I have perfect eyesight! :D At least, the last time I checked...
7. I like my handwriting. (:

Seven things I plan to do before I die.

1. Help to change the world for the better in at least some small way.
2. Write an earth-shatteringly good novel.
3. Fall in love with someone who'll sweep me off my feet. :)
4. Learn to live life without regrets.
5. Go to Britain and meet cute guys! haha.
6. Speak in French fluently.
7. Prove everyone wrong.

Seven things I can do.

1. Play any percussive instrument :D
2. Read a book non-stop for hours.
3. Ride a bicycle.
4. Look forward to band. Not everyone can do this! :P
5. Have patience.
6. Eat really spicy food.
7. Be left alone for hours.

Seven things I can't do.

1. Eat wasabe sauce ever again.
2. Rollerblade or ice-skate.
3. Solve a rubic's cube.
4. Sleep without bathing first.
5. Play a string instrument.
6. Whistle.
7. Burp.

Seven things that attract me to the opposite sex.

1. Sense of humour.
2. Character and personality.
3. Looks.
4. Way of speaking.
5. Sense of style.
6. Talent.
7. Same interests.

Seven things that I say the most. (Actually, I don't really know what I say most either. Why don't you guys fill it in for me?)

1. Hello.
2. Shit.
3. Uhhh..
4. Huh?
5. What the-?
6. Are you sure?
7. Sorry!

Seven celebrity crushes.
1. david!
william moseley.
orlando bloom. jason dolley.
skandar keynes.
tom fletcher.
ricky ullman.

Yay I finished it! :DDDD Hahaha.

Things will be the same, and yet things will be different.


I broke my sticks at:
6:49 PM

Friday, June 13, 2008


Hey you all. Finally, my SECOND post! Can I have a round of applause please? I'm doing the very first quiz Lan Xin tagged me to do. OMG, I still have the second one AND I need to create a proper post. But it's alright, I like blogging here. :D

1. If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?

Um, I'd feel very hurt, pissed, and take revenge. :X no lah. I don't know about revenge, but I'd probably be unable to trust guys for a long time. Hmm, that sounds so overly-dramatized.

2. If you could have a dream come true, what would it be?

Hmm. To live life without regrets and to love someone who truly loves me?

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?

There are loads of butts I'd like to kick at the spur of the moment, but none I'd really kick because I'm such a chicken. :/

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?

Change the world! Help eradicate poverty! Buy a nice house! Travel to Britain to meet cute guys! :P (Hey, I am a girl.) Buy loads of tubs of ice-cream! Give some money to my family! Oh oh oh I'd go on a shopping spree! :DDD

5. If you could only take one thing with you in a fire at home, what would you take?

Um, my savings, I guess. Assuming that my cats have all managed to run out already, of course. If not I'd rather die in the fire trying to take all seven of them out in time.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

For me, definitely being loved by someone.

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?

As long as it takes, unless he's already married or attached. Refer to 8.

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

Feel very sad and try to get over him, and then try to get another guy so I can attempt to forget about first guy.

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?

I don't think so. Eh no wait, there was once I was extremely happy.

10. If you can die in one way, how will it be?

With someone I love, so at least I'll be happy when I die.

11. How do you see yourself in ten years time?

I honestly don't know. D:

12. Who are currently the most important people to you?

My mother, my sister, my cats, and my friends.

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?

Drop dead gorgeous. xD

14. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?

That's a hard decision! Single & rich, I guess. I could be married but not to the right person, right? Even if I were single at least I'd still have my friends and family.

15. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?


16. Would you give all in a relationship?

No, I don't think so, unless I'm confident giving my all won't cause some kind of repercussion or something.

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?

Neither. If I was really in love I wouldn't fall for two guys at the same time, right?

18. What type of people do you hate?

Backstabbers. People who don't bother to listen to both sides of the story.

19. Gain 20kg or lose 20kg?

I quote Lan Xin, "LOSE! DUH!"

20. 5 people to do this quiz.


The end is relatively near.


I broke my sticks at:
8:38 PM

lanxin's quiz.

i do it cuz im nice. (:

seven things tt scare me.
  1. insects.
  2. the supernatural.
  3. dying and what happens aft tt.
  4. being alone.
  5. dead bodies.
  6. people leaving and losing the people i love.
  7. the sound styrofoam makes.
seven things i like the most.
  1. love and kindness(:
  2. laughter and happiness.
  3. hopes and dreams.
  4. my friends and family.
  5. music and books.
  6. food.
  7. the fact tt im alive, completely able-bodied and sane.
seven important things in my room.
  1. bed.
  2. pillow.
  3. bolster.
  4. quilt.
  5. sleeping mask.
  6. air-con.
  7. the pictures on my wall.
seven random facts abt me.
  1. pink is not my favourite colour. -.-
  2. i actually follow my head, not my heart. when it comes down to important things.
  3. i drum with my fingernails. cuz i have long ones. yes. its a percussion thing.
  4. i dont hate anyone. just severe irritation.
  5. i dont like apples.
  6. im extremely accident-prone.
  7. i've no idea how i ended up in triple science.
seven things i plan to do before i die.
  1. help out in a children's cause in a major way.
  2. travel the world.
  3. marry the man i love.
  4. attend beatrice's wedding. seven more years dear!
  5. name a star after myself.
  6. get rid of all my regrets. im not bringing regrets with me to my grave.
  7. find myself.
seven things i can do.
  1. play any percussive instrument(:
  2. play guzheng.
  3. walk around in really really high heels. its a big thing okay. they really hurt.
  4. speak perfect english when required. speak some sort of chinese. understand hokkien.
  5. watch tv for 15hrs straight. go to sleep for 8hrs and wake up to watch tv again. its the same with books.
  6. use the abacus board to solve bigbig numbers(: its hard okay. very taxing on the brain.
  7. to always be there for the people i love(:
seven things i cant do.
  1. ride a bike.
  2. hold back tears.
  3. sleep without bathing first.
  4. take care of myself.
  5. homework.
  6. be on time.
  7. live without my phone.
seven things that attract me to the opposite sex.
  1. height.
  2. shoulder width.
  3. looks.
  4. sense of style.
  5. way of speaking.
  6. humour.
  7. interests.
seven things that i say the most.
  1. orh.
  2. okay.
  3. like.
  4. huh.
  5. dear.
  6. i love you!
  7. *whine*
seven celebrity crushes.
  1. shia labeouf.
  2. dougie poynter; mcfly.
  3. tom felton.
  4. jesse mccartney.
  5. danson tang yu zhe.
  6. mike he jun xiang.
  7. william moseley. (peter; narnia)
im sure there's more. but they pnly asked for 7.
what can i say. i have a soft spot of blonds and british people.(:

Florida: if an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid.

loves angeline(:

I broke my sticks at:
6:42 PM

have you ever wondered.

have you wondered what things wld be like if you did smth.
or how it wld be like if you didnt do it.
i did some pretty embarassing things when i was younger.
and compared to knowing i had a chance to do smth yet let it slip.
not doing anything is so much worse.
why didnt i just go for it. wth am i scared of.
whats there to be scared of. there's so much more to lose if you dont go.
you'll never find the answers you seek.
i dont want to live in regret of not doing it.
i dont wna think abt what could have happened if i did.

i guess its fear. i dont know of what.
maybe its you. i really wna talk to you.
but i cant. i cant talk to you like i did.
there isnt really anything left to say.
that door was closed to me. a long time ago.
and i know things have changed.

my hwk stamina is getting bad. ):
3rd week is ending and i barely started.
whats wrong with me.

aft band, i felt tired.
so so drained.
im sorry but im just not gna teach.
maybe i'll change my mind in the future.
but not now. like i said. i dont give a damn.
sya and i were still wondering abt mr choy. hmmm...
lanxin told me amira told her tt i looked pro playing sheriel's crazy mallet thing.
HAHA. i never thought anyone wld say i look pro at mallets
considering the fact tt im not exactly a mallet player.
and i have to say. i have improved! (:

i think narnia books are trying to teach smth.
i dont get it.

do you get the feeling tt life is sad.
tt everyone is born to die.
i know i have a wonderful life compared to others.
but i still cant help feeling this way when i think abt stuff.
all the happiness is short-lived.
we're all hanging on by a thread.
there's so much sadness in the world.

Minnesota: It is illegal to mock skunks.


I broke my sticks at:
6:06 PM

14 hrs of band in 2 days (:

somehow i got a feelin it shouldn't be a smiley face up there
hahas but i ain't gna put a sad face either :D

we had band.
for 14 hrs in two days
but if you take away lunch time..
let's see
1 hour on tues
2 hour yesterday
we only had 11 hours of band
okay. correction
we had 11 hours of band
come to think of it
i was glad to be back, i kinda miss my bells la :/

to tell you the truth
i rather have 14 hours of band pracs
in two days (hopefully, tues and thurs)
and no school
than havin school PLUS band
i rather choose band to school sometimes :D

we played disco lives, rock & roll explosion and abba gold!
i miss those songs!!
it's so fun la
playin them again (:
and lunch was like.. 2 hours? woah!
i miss the crystal mallet (or wdv u called that)
it gives out a very clear and echo-y sound
the first mallet i used for performance
but now it's broken
even though it can be used, it doesn't sound as loud ):
shall find one that is somewhat the same to replace it then
i need it for Figure 11
then i shall bring that spoilt one home and keep it for memories :D

Figure 11
tell you sth.
Playin figure 11 ALONE is waayy scary!
i know! figure 11 is my solo
but not literally solo?!
it's scary to only hear yourself playin in the band room
even though you're not alone
the only sound in the band room
(yea. it's that quiet)
ahhh.. i need the support of the other mallets la
and the other instruments :X

emily: your part is very soothing and nice

YES!!! thank you thank you! :D
i know i know
bells is always the best. *grin*
i wonder if i will have to do that again on tues
oh wells

guess wad
june 9, monday was the birthday of donald duck
june 11, wednesday was make a impression day
june 12, yesterday, was red rose day. Angie's favourite
and today is
FRIDAY THE 13th!!!
hahas. and it's shark awareness day plus rizwana's birthday

okay la
i have posted
shall come again later :D

"Smooth roads never make good drivers. Smooth seas never makegood sailors. Clear skies never make good pilots. A problemfree life never makes a strong and good person. Have a toughbut winning day ahead! Be strong enough to accept thechallenges of life. Do not ask life, 'Why me?' instead say,'Try me'."
-- Author Unknown

<3 Lanlan

p/s: 1 week more to school D:

I broke my sticks at:
4:46 PM

another quiz

hmm. let's see. the usual?
angeline, sheriel, syahirah. four more..
let's jus leave it at 3

1. horror movies
2. being alone in an area that is pitch black or totally quiet and empty?
3. Pissing my parents off
4. my report book (yea.. same as sher huh.)
5. Doing sth wrong durin combine pracs. i am totally horrified abt it
6. offending or hurting someone who meant alot to me without knowin (so far it hasn't happened.. rite?)
7. blood. pools of blood. or me just seein any organs etc ( i can't survive bio :X)

1. my darling friends :D
2. Percussion'06-08 (soo far)
3. 2P.07, 3C.08
4. animes and manga
5. the sky.
6. BLUE!
7. cousins

SEVEN IMPORTANT THINGS IN YOUR ROOM(i don't have my own room -.-)
1. handphone
3. watch
4. wallet
5. the stereo , sound system (wdv you call that)
6. my collection of animes
7. my softtoys. :D like the jumbo dog!

1. i think alot at night.. sometimes resultin to nightmares or insomnia
2. i will start drummin with my fingers as and when i like( i think it's a percussion thing)
3. i can be very random :D
4. as long as the tv is on. i can just sit there and start watchin (no matter wad channel it is)
5. my left eye is 50degree while my right eye is 300++. (tho i have this feelin that it got worse)
6. i am only sweet to you when you piss me off
7. i can never have the fringe i like ):

1. play in a rock band
2. travel around the world
3. live in my dream house
4. own a GRAND piano
5. write a will. HAHAS.
6. learn how to ski or snowboard
7. meet someone famous

1. play any percussion instruments
2.play the piano
3. play twinkle twinkle little star on the violin
4. make music videos :D
5. solve a rubix cube 3x3
6. play an organ
7. Ride a bike

1. skate
2. buzz (my sis can D:)
3. play any string instrument well
4. concentrate and focus on revising for more than an hour
5. listen hard in class
6. skateboard, snowboard.....
7. live without my phone

1. looks
2. height
3. level of understandin
4. same interest
5. patience
6. talent
7. humour

1. huh?/ huh?!
2. orh
3. hahas
4. what?!
5. fine.
6. whatever
7. yo.

1.William Moseley
2. elvin ng
3. Taylor Lautner
4. Kevin Alexander Clark
5. Max Thieriot
6. Shia LaBeouf
7. Riley Smith

"If you have grown, if you have contributed, if you have loved,if you have been loved -- then you have lived." -- M. Burkill


I broke my sticks at:
4:45 PM

Tuesday, June 10, 2008





lets see.
friday: i watched narnia. ohmygosh. its freaking freaking good! i like cried three times. and yes. lanxin. you're emotionless.
WATCH IT. its really fabulous. peter was cute too. i know he's like an irritating tempermental thing there but he looks good(:
i never gave narnia a chance but i did and its good. heh.
i was thinking of all the good movie trilogies. feel like i shld go watch them again.
lord of the rings. pirates of the caribbean. harry potter if it can be counted as one.
waiting for twilight to come out.(:
edward cullen is hot.

sat: had band bbq. didnt really manage to eat much.
there was some guy who scolded us.
its not our fault you're pmsing or fell on your ass cuz you cldnt see.
its your own problem. dont take it out on us.
yingying rocks(:
she roasted marshmallows for me. her marshmallows are nice. (:

sun: slacked @ home and read narnia(:
i think i recommend the movie. but the books are good too.

mon: went out with sue-ann(:
her arm is black. she looks like some guy.
even though she was wearing feminine stuff compared to her usual.
smth's wrong here. hmmm...
we were suppose to go shop for clothes.
then in the end neither of us bought.
we bumped into nine cedarians! they werent together.
we saw one aft another. quite cool. but scary.

today: ____. i teared in the car.
its really quite a depressing thought.
but it wasnt as bad as expected. i guess its cuz we all imagined the worst.
so bad tt everything else is okay.
yes. we're tt pessimistic.
eh. where's mr choy. sya and i were wondering just now.
there's some new guy who randomly walks in and out of the bandroom.
i think we miss mr choy. he was always such a nice guy. (:
my strokes suck and they only died even more aft the hols. ):
the timpani player will always die first.
when the bandroom flooded, it came from the drain beside the timpani.
today, i smelt gas. everyone else did too.
i walked over to the mallets and the trombones.
it didnt smell as strong as it did at the timpani.
i think it came from the air-con above the timpani.
i have been led to believe there's a timpani curse as well.

btw, i wld like a white coffin. thanks.
i dont even wna think abt nbc. shut it.

it irks me to see that wherever she is you're there.
i keep getting reminded of you. why are you always in my dreams.
can you just get lost.
sometimes i wish tt we didnt know so many of the same people.
sometimes i wish i never even met you.

i like hvnt started on my hwk yet.
shit. shit. shit.
i just cant bring myself to do it.
its so sad.
well, im off to read narnia.
im like halfway through the 4th book already (:

Florida: Men may not be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown.

quote lanxin, "angeline! i need you!"

i know you need me too(:

I broke my sticks at:
6:45 PM

The B word.

We had band today. I thought it was quite alright, seeing as SHE didn't scold any of us too much or too harshly today, which was (yay!) awesome. Well, in my opinion, anyway. HAHA when the whole band had to leave the bandroom for a short while just now, Angeline told us that she had been so upset about coming for band that she actually teared in the car. And she spent forty-five minutes in the bathroom while getting ready for band. Yes, it was that bad. Whereas me and Lan-lan were thinking, got band = hurry up and get ready. But seriously speaking, band didn't seem so long today, despite it being seven-hour long. Well, actually, it was six, cos we were given an hour to go eat lunch. :D

Oh, plus we fell in at the tennis court this morning, which contributed to Sheriel and Angeline's... um, frustration?

AND YAY! Ci Hui might be coming on Thursday! :DDDDDDDD Why can't Arina come too, eh? And Tracy came by our table today while we were practising strokes (cough)! :D I guess it's not really counted as visiting us cos she had some prefect stuff to do. :/ Why's our ex-SL coming back, though? But I mean it as a good thing lah!

I'm very worried for NBC leh. Sigh. We all want that annoyingly elusive Gold so much that if we don't get it, it'll hurt even more. Sighhhhhhhhhh. But Perc will pull through, no matter what. We shall defy the odds (the conductors' harsh words).

Eh, where's Mr Choy ah???? And who's this new tutor? I kind of liked Mr Choy more. This new guy's a little... interesting. Why does he keep entering the bandroom randomly and walk around, looking at the stuff we put up on our walls? I saw him looking at our band tree earlier today.

I'm starting to grow attachment to my marimba parts. I don't know, I'm starting to have pride and enjoy playing my parts, cos I remember that day, when Ms Sia kept yelling and scolding us cos we couldn't play. But I did just receive the score, so how does she expect me to sight-read so fast? But it's alright, that's in the past, and I can play most of my parts now. Wheee! :D

I love that brown snare drum. Can I take it with me when I graduate? xD


I broke my sticks at:
6:31 PM

shall do my dearest lan xin's test((:
continue loving me for this:P

1) cry? what else can i do? then forget abt him or her
2) to have a gazillion bucks? and to be loved. not being money minded, okay maybe i am, but for practical reasons. one can achieve alot of wishes with money.
3) i remember once said i wanted to throw a shoe at someone. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (go figure)
4)refer to 2. i intend to do good too!!
5) bear bear. been with me since i was born(:
6) bring loved
7) wait for someone i really love? means what i already found the person or waiting for the person to come along? i think i'll be the sitting duck in such stuff.
8) forget him
9) yes of course
10) die happy. how it doesn't really matter.
11) old. and hopefully successful
12) friends and family
13) haha my dearest. LOVE YOU
14) single and rich
15) think abt my day or a dream i had
16) no doubt!
17) whoever loves me back
18) not really sure. don't actually personally detest someone. do my best not to too(:
19) eh.. lose? but then that would be quite scary
20) whoever who wants to, cheers

I broke my sticks at:
6:29 PM


imgagine 7 hours!!!
my holidays are ending
even though it felt it never began
played away my first 2 weeks of holidays
now looking at my pile of homework
and next term's test schedule
panic starts taking over
yesterday out 'studying'
pretty much unproductive
at 6pm
it hit me
" if today ends, tommorrow begins"
and what's the exciting schedule of tmr?
7 hours of ____
though i must admit it wasn't as bad as i expected
guess it must be cos we've all already expected the absolute worst
now i'm just tired
sometimes exam period feels like heaven
cos well let's see cca stops.
that's all that matters
Larkin step
Life moves along and it trickles down the cheeks of every beautiful boy
Time comes along and it breaks every bone in your spine

Into the flight of night
Insomnia strikes and hopes alight
We set ourselves up to fall
So we stargaze and we write down all the things that we'll do
Fall into the river our pockets full of stones
Full of stones..


I broke my sticks at:
5:58 PM

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Enjoy edu..

enjoy education
and it's for chi
how to enjoy?
i think i sat thr in tt position for too long
so long that the moment i turned arnd to get my hp
i strained my neck muscle

my toe looks like a white roll
with all the cotton wool and tape
shall take a break from chi for now
let's go watch tv!! :D
or maybe i should continue readin my book
i've become a bookworm lately D:

yay! band is comin
let's look forward to it babaye!
ahh my beloved bells :D
oh well

"The great question is not whether you have failed, but whetheryou are content with failure." -- William Shakespeare


I broke my sticks at:
10:20 PM

7 June' 08 is history now

yesterday was tiring but fun
now i finally know how hard it is to be a station ic
but lookin at how the groups tried their best
hoping to find as many water balloons as possible
it's kinda worth it
afterall, we just want them to have fun :D
and i seriously hope they did
especially the sec4s

it's fun to be near the sea at night
even though it's cold
the wind felt so nice
and the sound of the sea is so relaxin

though some part of the day
i wished that i was here to play and not to be in charged
but i'm still glad that we managed to make it a success
lookin at the smiles on their faces
it's worth it man :D

hahas. i'm sure Sya felt the same way too rite?
freakin out cos of the rain
hopin that the rain will stop asap
wishin that everyone will enjoy themselves today
and ya
gettin extremely wet from the rain and the sea

hmm i hope sheriel recover asap :/
it sucks without you enjoyin wif us
oh wells
will post the pictures another day :D
shall go back to do enjoyedu now
cos tt's wad i am online for D:

"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult." -- Seneca

<3 Lanlan

I broke my sticks at:
7:01 PM

Friday, June 6, 2008

ADULTS?! *rolls eyes*

i'm banned from usin the com until thurs
no wait. should be

don't worry. i ain't swearin
it's jus doubleyou-tee-hedge

you can never read the minds of adults
you nvr know wad the hell they are thinking about

why was i banned?
cos i said i was gna switch off the com at 11.30
but switched it off at 11.45(accordin to her) instead
and TADA! i can't play for a week
a round of applause for her

somtimes adults really ruin my life
went taka with her and my sis
the cam ran out of battery
who's fault? MINE
it's my bloody fault that i didn't check like 1hr before
when my sis tossed me the cam
with my mum hurrying us

i hate her.
okay hate is too strong for this
i DISLIKE her when she's like this

"I would rather be able to appreciate things I cannot have thanto have things I am not able to appreciate." -- Elbert Hubbard

oops sorry
totally venting my anger here. :P
oh well toodles!
seeya tomorrow

<3 Lanlan

I broke my sticks at:
7:27 PM

why are we doing this.

im pissed. i just spent the last 37mins trying to get onto blogger.
my com's screwed and im too lazy to do anything abt it.

i just spent the whole morning in the hospital.
yesterday, florence wanted to go ice-skating so i went with her.
i fell down. BADLY. on my back. ):
so mummy was worried. i told florence tt i was in the hospital
and i quote her
'did you fall off a ten storey building or something'
i think mummy forbids me to go ice-skating now.
cuz everytime i come back with injuries and LOADS OF BLISTERS. OOPS. ):
its just cuz im really accident prone.
i sit on the piano bench right and somehow i manage to cut myself.
i think this is my fourth fall this year. OOPS. heh.

anyway yesterday right, aft ice-skating.
i was so happy i was gna see her then i was smiling madly to myself on the bus.
i think the ppl around me thought i was mad. ohwell.
then we went to walk around and eat. (:
wakaru sucks. never go there. they're biased against students.
it was crap. serious crap. let me re-emphasise. CRAP. the table beside us got so so so much better food. irritating.
we went to eat green tea ice-cream too. (:
jiayee: 'i shall guard it with my life'

it forms a mickey mouse head but if u look closely, it looks like two ppl hugging.

i ate carrot cake and fried black noodles just now. ):
ohman. im gna be the size of a whale tmr.

it suddenly hit me. why are we dieting. seriously. its not like any of us are overweight. yet we still do it. there's many kinds of body shapes and everyone is beautiful in their own way right. so why are we starving ourselves or crazily exercising. as beat puts it, "why do you want to torture yourself". i seriously dont know. its not like if you're hot now, you'll still be hot when you die. you leave your body behind. there are so many ppl starving in the world and we actually get food and yet we refuse it. do we loo
k in the mirror and see someone twice our size? why must we compare ourselves to like models. its like some insecurity that messing up our brains. i know its getting crazy. we all do. but we just cant stop. its become a daily routine, a obsession. freak out if u gain a kg. run till you cannot take it. not eat for the whole day. sudden outburst of tears and screams. how did it all come to this. im worried for all of us. its not healthy.

okay im gna do lanxin's quiz. lanxin. say you love me(:
1. cry
2. to be able to turn back time or/and eat a billion calories and still look good.
3. whoever irritates me.
4. GO TO THE MOON! get a nice hse. a cadillac. save up for uni and phd.
5. A LOT A LOT A LOT of water. i wna live thanks.
6. both. (: knowing someone loves you back of course makes u feel blessed but loving someone is also a blessed thing. not everyone can love. if you can, feel blessed, there's hope for you yet. (:
7. i dont know. not too long i guess. i mean will true love still come to you when you're 80 and dying. the guys will all go for younger women.
8. wallow in self-pity. TRY to give up. remain on good terms and hope for the best. hey. it's not like he's married.
9. yes. duh. im easily contented(:
10. i dont wna think of dying.
11. maybe still studying. maybe working. but definitely partying. (:
12. friends
13. sick. (:
14. rich but lonely. i have my reasons.
15. think. IM SERIOUS. the moment i wake up things just start popping into my head. oh there was one day ____ popped in. ruined my day.
16. yes.
17. the more practical one.
18. hate is too strong a word. i cant say. i dislike a lot of things. sometimes i just dont like your face.
19. lose. -.-

Illinois: It is illegal to give lighted cigars to dogs. cats or other pets.

i shall go help mummy do chores now. i dont know whats wrong with the damn maid agency. its been like 2 weeks.


admit it. im your world.

I broke my sticks at:
3:41 PM

Thursday, June 5, 2008


i wanted to do the quiz on sher's blog
decided to post it here :D

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
depends.. shock? disappointed? hurt? oh well *shrugs*

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
shall have a realistic one
to live in my dream house :D

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
the person who invented exams and tests
(hahahas. great minds think alike(: )

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
buy my dream house.
get a drumset, a grand piano
go travel arnd the world
give my family some of it (hahas serious!)
save the rest

5. If you could only take one thing with you in a fire at home, what would you take?

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
loved by someone.
anyone can jus love anyone yet not alot will feel blessed.

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone u really love?
forever. unless i decided to love someone else (it's gna happen though (: )

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
give up.

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
yea :D

10. If you can die in one way, how will it be?
die of laughter? wait it's kinda scary though.
but i just wanna leave the world feelin happy

11. How do you see yourself in ten years time?
25 yrs old huh.
travellin? hopefully single still.. hehe

12. Who is currently the most important people to you?
7 letters. friends :D

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
funny. tall. the list can go on

14. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
must i choose???
married but poor then i hate being lonely

15. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
switch off my phone's alarm

16. Would you give all in a relationship?
erm.. guess so?

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
hahahahas. none.

18. What type of people do you hate?
the usual. backstabbers. betrayer. blah blah blah

19. Gain 20kg or lose 20kg?

20. 5 people to do this quiz
sheriel, angie, sya sya, sotong and manda :)

"Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes usbigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this." -- Henry Ford


I broke my sticks at:
11:25 PM

Playhouse disney

EWWW i'm wearin purple pants
and it's ugly...
oh well.
i ran out of pants D:

i realised playhouse disney teaches kids the wrong kinda stuffs
it makes them dummer

Tigger: Sooo. what it the colour of Pooh's red shirt?
Pooh: erm... *thinks for awhile* erm.. *bends down and looks at his shirt* red?
Tigger: That's Pooh alright!

wooow... -.-
and barney taught me that this can be a story too!

"The little red flower. Once upon a time. The end"

nice one :D
and you ask where kids learn those stupid stuffs from?
maybe i am just pissed cause my sis doesn't let me watch other channels :P

oh ya! i saw some paper holders in popular
do you wan me to get some of those for the scores?
cos percussion is kinda messy :/
i think i have something like that at home too
and. that band thing was put up by me.. hehe.

2nd week is coming to an end D:
next week is comin soon.. eek
oh well. seeya this sat!

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
-- Douglas Adams


I broke my sticks at:
2:25 PM

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

wth am i doing here.

i shld be doing hwk. hah. thats what i've been telling myself. not happening.
i've told myself a lot of things. like how im gna go running later or stop eating. they never seem to materialise.
i've gained weight since the hols started okay.
lanxin loses weight during hols. i gain. its damn irritating.
school actually burns a lot of calories okay.

i shld start hwk. seriously.
i did like 5 exercises for chinese and 3 pages of bio.
half of which were done by sue-ann and kathleen. thank you darlings!(:
but its the holidays! ):
why do they even give hwk during the holidays. its for us to rest. hwk isnt rest. ):

i just finished a book.
confessions of a jane austen addict.
thats totally my sister.
she's in love with anything jane austen.
though i have to admit pride and prejudice is damn good. (:
anyway there's like some hidden meaning in the book which i dont understand. its like huh. its obvious im suppose to understand some logic but i dont get it.
hmmm... florence did mention before that im the most bimbo trip sci student she knows.
ohwell. :/

my dreams have been weird. why do u keep appearing. i thought im over you already. people say out of sight out of mind. you're suppose to disappear! im not suppose to dream abt you. im looking at your picture now and i know you dont even know that smth's happening. you're always in your own world. im the only one who's stupidly affected.

the pictures on my wall are dying. i shld do something abt it. hmm...

i miss my happy thing. i hope she's doing well in malaysia or wherever she is now. i miss sharon. even though we're like talking more than we used to but there's nth really substantial to talk abt. im scared we'll drift. i miss beat. i think she's still in thailand training. i miss elaine. i miss andeline. i owe her ice-cream. i miss myrra. i owe her a shopping spree. i miss nasuha. funny. i hvnt seen them all the whole holiday and nasuha has too many commitments to come meet up with us. ): i miss caroline, sarah and florence too! and guess what. cuz of band i might not be able to go for sleepover with them. i have a very strong urge now to just miss farewell and go out with them. i miss my table partner! i miss all the people who sit around me and further away like celeste and amanda. i dont wna change seats. my table partner's mine and im happy where i am. the only ever constant thing was change.

this is why i need to go out. so i dont have so much time to think abt crap like this. i shld probably go shit and get ready for guzheng lesson. hmm... yeah. i shall do that.

Sarasota, Florida: It is illegal to wear a swimsuit while singing in a public place.


you know you love me!

I broke my sticks at:
4:13 PM

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


to all band members,

Since we should try and save money, please contribute what you can for the BBQ :)

The list follows:-

100 plastic spoons *Livia will be contributing 8
100 plastic forks *Celeste will be contributing 19
100 paper/plastic plates
100 paper/plastic cups *Livia will be contributing
2 pastry brushes
2 BBQ grills (43x83)
Matches/lighters- at least 4 box of matches/4 lighters *Celeste will be contributing 3 boxes of matches
Fire starters-1 box
Skewers-2 packets
4 sets of tongs
100 pcs serviettes
Aluminium Foil

If you have some of something(e.g 50 plastic spoons, not 100), still do inform me :)
A little bit is better than nothing at all :)
Please be generous and contribute as much as possible :)
If you have more things to contribute but they're not on the list above, do inform me too so that we can decide on what to buy and what not to buy :)


Loves Lan and Sya (:

I broke my sticks at:
7:02 PM

Spring cleaning :)

hahas yessh Sya, you finally posted sth (:
whee hope you have fun huh, sheriel!
must miss us lots eh.
hahas :)

my mum decided to have spring cleaning today
for don't know wad reason.
and so.. i have to help her cause i didn't go to sch today D:
oopsie. woke up with a bad headache so i can't go
my mum didn't allow me to go ice skatin with angie too ):
(anyway, it was cancelled in the end)
so many sad things happened today...
just kiddin. hahas

guess wad?
i found V day presents (those non-edible ones luhhs)
plus the 3 doggies and the balls you gals gave me when we were sec 1
gosh. i started thinking about the fun we had last time :
OH! and i found the game, SCENE IT?.
SyaSya, that's the boring game that Sheriel and Angie were talkin about
there's also lots of childhood stuffs.
and they went either in my cupboard, my sis' cupboard or into the dustbin :D
anyone wants lego pieces or those kiddy puzzles? hahas

i look like rudolph now
you know, the red nose reindeer?
i keep sneezin due to the stupid dust
allergic and sensitive D:

oh dear.. i am becoming more and more serious lately
let's go somewhere and have a good laugh sometime soon :D
i rather crap more and be serious when i should
than be serious all the time
if not i will be livin a very dull life ):
and sya, your life is not borin la :)

ahh. found this
Sheriel, i shall post this for you :D
even tho you are in malaysia now

Did you know... ... that today is the birthday of Herman Lay, founder of Lay's potato chips (1909)? Lay peddled potato chips to Southern grocers out of the trunk of his car, building a business and a name that would become synonymous with the thin, salty snack.Celebrate Herman's birthday by eating your favorite snack food!

oh well. toodles!

"A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future.You must break out of your current comfort zone and becomecomfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown." -- Denis Waitley, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Peak Performance Expert


I broke my sticks at:
5:31 PM


Hey! Sorry, I know I said I was going online yesterday, but.. I forgot. :X oops.
Anyway, this is my first post here! Haha. How pathetic of me. But it's a start, it's a start..
Eh you all suck! You started on your homework already! D: *pouts* I've only done one measly maths exercise. Oh yah, can someone lend me chem holiday homework please? I don't have one, thanks to my chem teacher.

Oh yeah, yesterday was hilarious! I was laughing my head off the entire time. I just can't believe Priscilla's so good at seducing Jemima. Jemima better watch out from now on ah...

I don't really have anything to blog about yet. ):
I'm listening to Jason Mraz's The Remedy right now. I think I need a remedy.

I'm supposed to end off with my MSN names, but then I realise now that my MSN names are emo/suicidal anyway, so..

I wish someone would take a knife and carve out my heart so I'd never have to feel again.

PS: If some of the stuff I wrote here are repeated on my own blog, um, don't be surprised. Yes, my life is that boring. )':

I broke my sticks at:
12:45 PM

Monday, June 2, 2008

im leaving for malaysia
miss you girls(:
packing my bag now
i'm realising how sad my holiday is
i'm packing homework
after an entire sunday of attempting to clear a significant amount of work
i failed.

I broke my sticks at:
10:47 PM

A day of farewell plannings :)

i woke up early today to go to school
oh! school!
i have not done my chi homework that was supposed to be handed up before term 2 ends
how efficient of me(:
well i kinda lost the paper, so i have to wait till i get it from sherilynD:
okay, homeworks aside. hahas

my dad dropped by a petrol station on the way to Cedar
and yay! i bought kinder bueno :)
i needed energy to keep me going for the rest of the day
but kinda overbought it. hehe
the station doesn't sell single packets of the chocolates
they SHOULD sell them!!!!!
they come in 3 packets at a time instead ):
there might be ppl who are desperate for kinder bueno
but only have enough money to buy ONE PACKET!
hais. if i buy that, i might finish all of them within half an hour!
at most at most, 2 hours
but i was too desperate for chocolates so yup. i paid for it :D
hmm, i gave one packet to dad, half a packet to syasya and half a packet to elaine
( i'm nice luhhs :D)
so i ended up with a packet YAY!

understudy farewell is funn:)
except for the part when i have to show them the dance. TWICE
malu-ed myself twice lehs!
oh and drills.
yes! me and amimi can totally coordinate!
but yea. i can still coordinate better with AnnAnn:D
hm. but drills made my foot hurt again
but drills are FUN la, Ann Ann.
hmm. i realised i like to be pat on my head :P

ah then percussion farewell discussion:)
this is where you can see how your juniors are like
Priscilla sure can seduce! she rather do that then pretend to die
come on la! i rather pretend to die
it's much more easier.
and i had to do a demo for her. -.-
"Priscilla! why you can seduce Jemima and you can't pretend to die?"
P:" cause it's easier to seduce her!!"
easier? woah
SyaSya tried seducin me.
Goosebumps. *shivers*

Percussionists sure CAN sing :)
it doesn't sound very nice.
but with practice, it'll definitely improve! (duh!)
Percussion is such a unique section :D

FYI, i'm not that slow one lors
jus that i did not have enough sleep lately D:
so my mind is not working well :X
ahh i nid more sleep
if not i'll definitely become even more retarded

oh ya! i might end off with stuffs sometimes
yupp jus like today! :D

Did you know that today is Egomaniac's Day? Look in the mirror, smile at your gorgeous mug and tell yourself what a great person you are!

ahh. and a quote. might not be my style, still i like it :D

"It never occurs to me that there are things I can't do." -- Whoopi Goldberg

Loves LanLan(:

I broke my sticks at:
7:42 PM

lets all learn!


we went over to lanxin's hse AGAIN. almost the whole section went.
we went to do farewell. i think this year we're spending a lot of time on farewell. much more than the other years. oh! the sec 2s already planned our farewell. kinda sad. they want us to leave. ): ohwell. at least we get a FABULOUS farewell. hint hint.(:

we laughed today. well, thats kind of all we do right.
i learnt something abt everyone today. (:

xiaoying: she likes babies. A LOT. kinda like sarah. sarah's like damn cute. everytime she sees a baby, she slows down and walk with the baby and make stupid sounds at it. its damn funny. (:

jemima: she's totally unticklish. not fun. hmph. on the other hand. priscilla is damn ticklish. fun.
-concucts an evil scheme. gives a draco grin.

priscilla: this girl can seduce! it was damn good okay. SERIOUSLY. but she's weird. she says she'd rather seduce people than pretend to die. i'd rather pretend to die.
-shakes head.

sheriel: whenever she dances or does poses, she has a tendency to fall down. we had a good laugh when she did. TWICE(:
sorry for pinching you. i needed smth to grab. i dont know how but my foot slipped into the drain. OOPS. i've got a bruised ankle now. ):

syahirah: she tried to seduce lanxin! like whoa. and it was soooo caroline! must be you learnt from her right. i just laughed. (:

lanxin: she's slow and has bad spelling. cuz we were customising the blog and syahirah needed to type gelare but lanxin was typing for all of us. so she spelt gele and we were like 'a.r.e.' and she huh. so we said, 'a.r.e' again and she huh again. so syahirah deleted the 'e' and lanxin typed the 'e' back. this didnt happen once but THRICE! i cant remember how we ended up spelling the word. this isnt like the only incident. she takes time to process what she's gna do. its damn hilarious. oh! lanxin learnt something new today. she learnt that bus 325 goes to hse. re-emphasizing her slowness. (:
its okay we still love you! (:

i was just staring at my wall and i counted the no of photos on it. i have 23 lanxin's, 19 sheriel's and 12 syahirah's. we need to take more pictures. its been 3 years. its a pathetic amt. -.-

we've decided to each end our posts differently. so im gna end mine with weird facts. (:

Ventura County, California: Cats or dogs cannot mate without a permit.

you know you love me!

I broke my sticks at:
7:24 PM

Sunday, June 1, 2008

my laptop crashed D:

3rd post by meee (:
come on babes! post!!! :D
you all want section pictures rite?
i only can send you those that's in my com rite now
cos my laptop crashed and who knows..
i might lose the pictures inside when it's sent for repair):
ahh i hope i can get it working again jus in time for the video
oh well toodles for now
ohoh! monday, can meet at my hse again? hehe
cos i think i'm goin to sch in the mornin for some band stuffs(:
urgh, my darling laptop
1st my handphone, now my laptop
wonder wad's gna die on me this time :P

loves lanlan(:

p/s: hope you gals like the blogskin, i know thr's no snare. will keep findin:D
and don't ask me why is the piano doin thr cos i dunno why either :/

I broke my sticks at:
4:12 PM